Presented by G9
BTS (Be The Solution)
The advice column is created to help struggling students with their daily life troubles. We want to make a comfortable and approachable environment, so you can feel free to talk to us! Our advice column is named BTS, which stands for Be The Solution (not the band).

June 22nd 2021
Dear anonymous,
Thanks for writing to us! We do enjoy BTS music as well, and we are glad you liked the name of the advice column. If you feel that the person talking to you is bothering you too much, then you can try asking them politely to stop. However, if this method doesn’t work, try reasoning with them and explain how it is affecting you in various ways. If they are still sharing your secrets, then don’t tell them your secrets anymore. Since this person is teasing you too, if it gets too extreme, you could consider telling a family member or a teacher. Remember to only share your feelings with the people you can trust! :)
Dear anonymous,
We are delighted that you wrote to us. Dealing with a bad smell can be hard, especially since the classrooms are quite congested. Despite that, it is easy to solve this issue. You could try carrying a small tube of a scented hand cream/sanitizer or a body mist with you if it's allowed. Hope that helps. :)
Dear anonymous,
Thank you for sharing your issue. Sometimes siblings can be a lot to handle, but at the end of the day, we are sure your brother loves you. If he rips your papers and bothers you too much, then instead of scolding him, just ignore him for sometime. If he sees that you aren't reacting then he will stop. After a while, ask him politely to apologize and teach him that it isn't right to tear your papers and pull your hair. :)
Dear Netanel and the rest of grade 8,
Thank you for bringing forward your class’ issues. Your first point is about external exams and how it is required for most of us to be quiet at the time. While this can be bothersome as we all want to have fun and make noise, we are unsure if it is possible for the exam to be carried out in another room. Secondly, stress is something that we all go through unfortunately. When it comes to homework stress, it is essential to keep time management in mind. If you truly think that the homework is too much to finish then you and your class can politely inform the teacher and ask him/her to extend the deadline. You also brought up adding teamwork and more activities to aid education, and this is something that we believe should be incorporated into lessons as well, and we will do our best to bring this to the attention of the teachers. Lastly you talked about cool minds, which we believe really helps in boosting the students’ confidence. While this is indeed so, different teachers have different ways of dealing with those types of situations. If you feel that maybe you are getting the blame for something you didn't do or that you are getting told off for something you believe isn't that big of a deal, maybe try reasoning politely. Remember that in the end if the day is the teacher’s decision, but we will try to bring your concern forward! :)
Dear anonymous,
We are delighted that you wrote to us. It is normal to feel that a friend is annoying you, especially when it comes to gaseous exchange. While gaseous exchange in public is often considered rude, and that is what is bothering you, it is important to understand that gaseous exchange is natural.