1. Eat at “Eggs ‘n Things”
Eggs ‘n Things is a famous Waikiki eatery by founders, Jerry and Jan Fukunaga. The star dish is pancake. They have tons of syrup, coconut, guava and maple. Also, with lots of whip cream and nuts on top of it. It’s very sweet but delectable. It’s really huge. The pancakes are for middle schoolers and up.

Credit to the owner
2. Take a visit to Enoshima Island
This one is not in Tokyo but in another nearby prefecture, Kanagawa. It’s an island where you can explore by either walking or using the escalator (but you need a ticket for that). Then, you can take the boat or walk back as you go back home.

Credit to the owner
3. Enoshima Beach
Surfing, finding seashells, sand sculpture and walking in the water, all in one. The beach’s sands have a lot of empty seashells that you can collect. If you go farther to the shops you will see them also selling seashells. They have dream catchers, keychains and picture frames that are all decorated with these big or small shells, all are colorful and charming.

Credit to the owner
4. Enoshima Sea Candle
Enoshima Sea Candle is a tower where you can either use the stairs or the elevator. It has a nice-looking view at the top. On the ground floor there’s a garden with profoundly beautiful flowers and a big chair like a throne.

Credit to the owner
5. Enoshima Caves
There are three caves in total. Inside the caves, there are a few boards to show
Information about Enoshima’s past history.. There are numerous statues with a modern type of lighting effects.

Credit to the owner